No Sense from Sensenbrenner- He's the BIG F'ING BABY of CONGRESS: Howard Dean Is What We’ve Needed All Along

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Howard Dean Is What We’ve Needed All Along
"Howard Dean, the current DNC chair, is perfect. He is the Democratic version of every right-wing politician. He is willing to fight to win, and he’s not pulling punches.

Last week, when he called Republicans “pretty much a white, Christian party”, Republican Lawmakers and congressional democrats wanted him to apologize for those comments. They wanted him to back down, concede the point, and say that what he was doing was wrong, to say things like that.

Republicans like Jim Sensenbrenner said it was a bad way to do politics, to fire off such vitriolic rhetoric about the other party.

And I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Repubicans were essentially challenging Dr. Dean for using their tactics against them, minus the lies.

When faced with criticism from both parties, and in hot water with the entire political sphere, how did Howard Dean respond?

From ABC News

We need to be blunt and clear about the things we’re going to fight for. I’m tired of lying down in front of the Republican machine. We need to stand up for what we believe in.

No apologies, no pandering to the centrists, nothing but what he was put in his job to do: fight the Republican death-grip on the United States of America.

We need someone like Dean. We have always needed someone like Dean. Stubborn men change the world, while the complacent and the political sissies do nothing but maintain the status quo. All change depends on someone standing up and saying “enough is enough”.

Howard Dean is that person. He is, in his own words, “not very dignified”. He is a scrapper, a fighter for people on the bottom of the pile who don’t have a voice in congress because of the effectiveness of the propaganda machine.

From where I sit, I see Howard Dean doing great things for the party, and not backing down to the people who would like him to do so. Isn’t that what our representatives are supposed to be doing? Aren’t they supposed to be our advocates on Capitol Hill, our voice when no one will listen?

Thanks, Dr. Dean. Some of us out here appreciate your hard work and your unwillingness to back down."


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